Tuesday, October 16, 2012

November is fast approaching and I wanted you to see the kits so you can sign up soon for our classes.   We are having the option of doing two kits this month.  You can do both or choose one or the other.  Here are the pictures of the Flirty pages.  Wish my pictures were a bit better.  The colors are just not as great in the picture as in real life.

And here are pictures of the Dakota Layouts.  Sweet huh?  ...........

For the Card workshop in November we will be making Christmas Cards.

We will be meeting November 8th at 12:30 or at 7:00.  or November 13 at 5:30 or Saturday November 17 at 10:30.  One other option is to attend a class in Idaho Falls on November 10.

The cost for the each of the layout kits come to $19.50 with the tax and shipping added in.  So to do both Dakota and Flirty it would be $39.00.   In December we will do the Pear and Partridge Christmas layouts.

So sign up soon! 

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